Happy New Year!
Have you recovered yet?
If your Christmas has been anything like mine then
you'll need several weeks to recover.
This Christmas was a particularly busy one for me
this year with an unusually high number of social
engagements and get-togethers, all of which I enjoyed
immensely. I must admit though that although I love
the hustle and bustle of a busy Christmas, I do look
forward to a slightly more peaceful pace in January.
really love new beginnings and New Year is an excellent
time to embrace the 'New Year - New You' theme. I'm
a great one for New Year's resolutions and make dozens
every year, some of which I actually stick to! The secret
is not to take it too seriously - set yourself achievable
goals rather than reach for the unobtainable, that way,
even if it's a small achievement you can still be really
proud that you stuck to your guns.
Personally, I'm determined to organize my wardrobe this
year - a job I have tried to do this in the past but
have never really fully accomplished. I want a really
efficient working wardrobe this year. I want to be able
to open up the doors and instantly see an outfit rather
than an array of separates that I then have to be bothered
to team up. I can never remember which piece I wear
with which and what jacket I wear with which trousers
and so on. Well no more! I am going to organize myself
and save myself a huge chunk of time each morning.
also going to write a list of what's missing from
my wardrobe - not just an excuse to go shopping
you understand but a real attempt to organize
my clothes. I know for sure that when the spring
comes I'll be really short of lighter weight trousers
- plenty of tweeds, plenty of delicate cottons
but nothing for those in-between months. And I
know now that I need some warmer P.J's having
frozen this winter in short sleeved cotton ones.
Although I have a number of chunky towelling robes I
don't have a summer weight dressing gown, so that will
be on the list too! I'm sure the list will be longer
than my budget but I'm determined to shop a little more
conscientiously this year and buy things that I need
rather than those I just like the look of. And I'm not
stopping there! My jewellery and make-up are also going
to get the same treatment - all those things that I
keep putting to the back of the drawer are being sent
off to charity and I'm getting busy on the list again.
I can see this year is going to be an expensive one
so I need to work out what I'm going to give up in order
to afford it - chocolate perhaps? Glossy magazines?
Well, I'm sure I'll think of something but either way,
I'm almost halfway through writing my list and I'm pretty
sure that this is one resolution that I'll enjoy sticking
to! |